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Tuesday, September 20, 2005


There've been a few milestones taking place around the hale (house). I'd love to be able to SHOW them to you, but unfortunately, the cable port from the computer to my camera has been replaced by an iPod cable. Averie's birthday present has put a hold on my picture loading capabilities. NO, you Smartbutts, I can't put it back myself because...oh, it's a long damn story and completely uninteresting. Suffice it to say, that fracking little piece of technology holds 1,000 damn songs, so my pics (and you) will have to wait and you'll just have to read about them for now instead of SEE them.

Bryson went to his first dance as a sophomore last Friday. The "theme" was self-stated. In other words, the students were allowed to choose their own personal themes. Bryson's theme was "A Tribute to New Orleans". He took a bunch of the beads that my friend Chris sent me from Mardi Gras and decided that he would give away a strand a dance. I told him that as long as he kept it to dances, that would be fine. I hardly want to get a call from the principal that my son is trying to get girls to flash him. Turns out his "tribute" was a huge success. According to Caris, the Grommet is quite the "pimp" and was surrounded by the ladies all night long. She said everytime she turned around at the dance she'd see girls walking around with Mardi Gras beads. She then told us that we'd better keep an eye on him....he's a little TOO popular with the girls. Bryson thought that had he collected a buck for beads instead of a dance a strand, he might have well ended up with around $100 to donate to hurricane relief. Unfortunately, he didn't think the faculty would understand that that was really what he was doing. Oh well, good thought. He came home beadless, but smiling.

Averie's 20th birthday was Sunday, and as you've already read, she received an iPod. Bry, Caris, Averie's boyfriend Jason, Charlie and I all pooled funds together and got it for her. With things being as tight as they've been, she said she really wasn't expecting much (bless her heart). So she was especially surprised and VERY excited to be getting something that's she's wanted for a couple of years now. I made her some leis out of her two favorite candies; gummy bears and yogurt raisins, which were a big hit with people. It made me wonder if I should be selling them. People seemed to like them so much and asked if I could make some for their friends as gifts. Hmmmm...perhaps a new cottage industry that Lokelani and I can add to our nut biz? Anyway, it was a restrospective kind of day for Charlie and I. Here, our "baby girl", our first-born, was 20. She'd turned our "two-ness" into a FAMILY when she arrived in our world and changed our lives forever. For the better. Happy Birthday Aves. I love you AND the person that you are. Now finish downloading your music so I can post pics! ;)

The long-awaited premier of "Surface" was last night. Long-awaited because Caris and her friend Taryn worked on set as background talent for the pilot. So, as usual, we got the VCR ready and popped in a brand new tape and the family gathered around the tv at the designated time. However, Mother Nature had a bit of a different plan. We had a helluva thunder and lightning storm. One that reminded me of the storms we experienced in the midwest. The kind where the thunder shook the walls and set off car alarms. The kind where the lightning lit up the dark like day. The kind that Ellie had never known and as a result was so scared she literally wet herself all over my couches, our laps, the carpet, wherever she was. Poor dog, she didn't even find comfort when she ran cowering into her crate.

When the storm did calm down long enough for us to catch a glimpse of Caris and Taryn's scene, all we got was a split-second of the tops of both their heads. Ahhh, such is the life of a background artist. Good thing for video tapes. We can rewind and play again and again while we point and say; "don't blink or you'll miss her!" to family and friends. After the giggles, we went back to caring for our scared out of her mind puppy. Needless to say, it was very crowded in Charlie's and my bed last night.

My sister Loke left this morning to fly to Hawaii. My dad is still in the hospital and we decided between us to go over separately and help relieve our sisters over there of some of their "parent duties". So Loke will go this week, and when she comes back, I will go over the middle of next month to help out. I have to borrow the money from my Mum-in-law, but I didn't give asking her a second thought. I'll do what I have to do to go. It's too important to let pride get in the way. My older sister Mahea and my younger sister Ulu were both so grateful that Loke and I could come and give them a break. Taking care of Mom and Dad has taken a toll on them. I know how it is with us taking care of Charlie's mom over these past couple of years. It's hard, and sometimes you just need a breather. Besides, I'm so happy to be able to do something. Anything.

I'm opening the shop for the first time, by myself today. I'm nervous but excited. And I better get my butt in gear and hele on (go!). Milestones.


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